Dear members of our six town community,
At our last meeting on March 13, 2019, the Harwood Unified Union School District (HUUSD) Board took action on the eight (8) items below (listed in order of the time in the meeting when the vote occurred):
Board Reorganization/Appointments/Newspapers of Record Elected Caitlin Hollister as Chair, Torrey Smith as Vice Chair; Rosemarie White as Finance Officer; Gabe Gilman as Assistant Finance Officer; Maureen McCracken as Recording Secretary; and Christine Sullivan as HUUSD voting delegate for statewide health insurance. Designated building administrators as truant officers for their building. Designated the Valley Reporter, Waterbury Record, and Times Argus as the newspapers of record. Confirmed board meeting schedule as 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of month. Appointed our minutes-taker as the recording secretary for purpose of creating meeting updates.
Approved the following items as part of the consent agenda: Minutes of 2/20/19, 3/4/19 (as corrected)
Recognized and affirmed that:(a) That Harwood Union is in need of repairs and renovation and that a bond vote will be necessary in order to authorize that work; (b) That in order to make a decision on the content of the bond for Harwood Union, a decision must first be made with respect to which students will attend the school following the renovations; and (c) That although the board has previously voted on and rejected a motion to move grade 7 and 8 students currently attending Harwood to Crossett Brook, the question remains open and requires further study.
After discussion and amendment, confirmed Board consensus that: (a) the pre K-6 and/or Middle School questions cannot be decoupled from the Harwood Bond; (b) any plan we put before the voters for the amount to be bonded must be for pre-K through 12; and (3) the board will endeavor to get such bond by town meeting day 2020.
Discussed the motion below (as amended) and tabled further discussion until March 27th:
That the Board direct the Asset Management Work Group to study the feasibility of having a middle school on the southern end of the district and that the board acknowledge that the Asset Management Work Group may may need to consider impacts to PK-4 as part of this effort, and that the board authorize the committee to spend no more than $5000 in the completion of this study,and that the board request a report from the Asset Management Work Group no later than April 24th describing the alternatives considered and their costs.
Adopted the visioning engagement process as outlined in the timeline document Authorized the Visioning Committee to act on the feedback articulated at the March 13th board meeting and to activate the survey when they feel ready. Made new committee assignments as listed below. Policy - Torrey EPC/EFC - Tim, James Asset mgmt - James, Maureen Monitoring District Performance - Garett, Jeremy Visioning - Jonathan, Kristen
Our next meeting is Wednesday, March 27th at 7:00 pm and will be held in the Harwood Union High School library. Starting at 6:00 pm, the Visioning, District Monitoring and Executive Project committees will meet, also in the library. Committees generally alternate meeting times and meet every other board meeting. For more information on the SMART goals that drive these committees, check the HUUSD board web page.
Please visit for board agendas and packets (including committees that are meeting), detailed minutes, HUUSD Smart Goals for the 2018-2019 school year, and to find the link to watch board meetings. The direct link to watch this and past recent meetings is: There is also an archive of older meetings can be found here:
Thank you for your continued support and engagement.
The HUUSD Board Caitlin Hollister (Waterbury) *Chair Torrey Smith (Duxbury) *Vice Chair Hannah Clark (student rep, class of 2019) Jonathan Clough (Warren) Carlton Cummisky (student rep, class of 2021) Gabriel Gilman (Moretown) James Grace (Waterbury) Tim Jones (Fayston) Jake Lynn (student rep, class of 2020) Garett MacCurtain (Duxbury) Maureen McCracken (Waterbury) Theresa Membrino (Fayston) Kristen Rodgers (Moretown) Christine Sullivan (Waitsfield) Alexandra Thomsen (Waterbury) Jeremy Tretiak (Waitsfield) Rosemarie White (Warren)