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Family Newsletter 8.4.23

Writer: WebmasterWebmaster

Harwood Families -

We hope you have stayed safe and well through all of this rain.

Early this month I had the opportunity to pause and reflect with other school leaders throughout Vermont. It provided a powerful opportunity to share that which makes Harwood a truly beautiful and unique community - the genuine support that students show each other. Sometimes this shows up in all school assemblies when the audience is encouraging those on stage with clapping and cheering. Other times it can be seen in a small moment in the hallway - when a student who is visibly having a hard moment or feels socially uncomfortable is genuinely greeted by name and with a smile. Big or small, these moments create a sense of belonging and reflect a school community I am truly grateful and proud to be part of and have my own children attend.

The devastation of the recent flooding - which impacted several Harwood community members - was yet another example of the outpouring care.

Enjoy the rest of your summer - we’ll be in touch with more details about the start of the school year in August,

Laurie, Meg and Bethany



  • 08/23 - 3:00 - 6:00 p.m. TA, Student, Family/Guardian connections

  • 08/24 - 8:00 - 9:45 a.m. TA, Student, Family/Guardian connections

  • 08/28 - 7th/9th grade Smart Start

  • 08/29 - First day of school for 8th, 10th , 11th and 12th graders


Safe - seen, heard, respected & understood:



TA update

Harwood Union Middle/High School

TA Conferences

Harwood will be hosting conferences for all parents and students in grades 7-12. Grades 7 - 10, conferences will be held from 3:00pm - 6:00pm on August 23rd and from 8am - 9:45am on August 24th. Parents will have the option to select one 20-minute meeting time per student. Grades 11 and 12, there will be a group conference scheduled for each TA and you will receive more information about that on August 15th. If you would like, you may also sign up for an individual conference with your child’s TA.

All students will use Canyon Creek to schedule individual conferences and we have provided directions for you to access this online scheduling program. If you have more than one student attending Harwood, you will need to schedule a conference time for each student. Online access to scheduling your conference will be available beginning August 15th.

Please refer to the directions below to schedule your conference.. If you have any questions, please contact Liz Hepp at

Step-By-Step Parent/Guardian Instructions for HU parent/TA conferences

  1. Visit Harwood’s homepage and click on the link: Harwood HS and MS TA Conference Meetings: Sign Up Here

  2. From the Online Scheduler Home Page

  3. For both MS and HS students, please choose Harwood Union Middle/High School from the drop down list and click “GO”

  4. Enter the school password which is: highlander

  5. Enter your student’s “Student ID” which is their lunch account number. If you do not know their Student ID, use the LOOKUP STUDENT ID button to access the system.

  6. Verify the student’s birth date

  7. Check the box next to your student’s TA teacher.

  8. If you have more than one student at Harwood (in 7th-10th grade), answer YES to the question when it appears on your screen: “Do you want to schedule a conference for another student?” then repeat the steps above for your other students. If you only have one student, answer NO to that question.

  9. You will then see the available time slots for the TA of your student(s).

  10. Select the time that works best for your schedule.

  11. Enter your email address (recommended) if you would like an email reminder sent to you. (Your email address is kept private.)

  12. Once you have finished you can confirm your appointment details and print your conference schedule.

Write down the Confirmation Number (you will need this number if you need to cancel your appointment). Once you cancel, you can pick a new appointment slot.

Rigorous & Robust Academic Program:



23-24’ Bell


Here is a color-coded version of our regular bell schedule, as well as one for the first two weeks of school.

These documents both include middle school and high school within the same doc.

Senior Contract for Unscheduled Time

Unscheduled time in a Senior’s schedule is a result of students having already completed the majority of their Graduation Expectations in advance of their Senior year. We encourage students to take more courses to continue their learning at Harwood, but if they choose not to, they are able to have the privilege of Up Time. Students who would like to participate in Up Time need to complete the following form with their parents / guardians: Up Time Form.

Positive school climate and culture:



Invitation from Harwood Boosters


In need of new membership and leaders - are you interested?

Many of you may have never seen the Harwood Boosters in action. Covid brought almost all of our activity to a close after winter sports ended in March of 2020. All sports were canceled and along with it spring sports concessions. The following school year (2020-2021) there were also covid restrictions that made it very difficult for us to continue. During graduations of that year, 2 of our 5 board members' kids had all completed their high school careers. Last year (2021-2022) 2 more parents no longer have students at the school. That leaves us with our Vice President Katie Pike and myself acting President/Treasurer, Missy Semprebon. My daughter graduated in 2021 also, but because we were not able to recruit I stayed on until some normalcy could return. Concessions have been cleared to start up again. We were able to offer concessions for boys and girls senior nights and playoff games. In the past, we have let student groups run the concession stand with a Booster Representative available to assist. By having this partnership students were able to raise money for their groups and causes. We have a booth outside the gym and a hot dog cart for outside home events. It is a great way to engage the students and parents in what the boosters can do. Some other things that the Booster’s do: Have banners made to hang in the Harwood gym for our championship sports teams, gives away 2-$500 scholarships to graduating seniors each year, provide art box of supplies to support fellow students in playoffs, provide trophies to 12 season athletes, support leadership training with financial assistance, sports/group grant application process, held silent raffles, and organized volunteers for the Leaf Peepers Race. Harwood Boosters began in 1972 and has a proud tradition for helping our student groups, teams and our student body as a whole. With a brand new incoming board, it is a great opportunity to revitalize and reimagine where the Boosters goes in the future. Katie has the experience for the past few years so she can be a great asset. I can assist from afar but am no longer able to be present the way a board member needs to be. I have been part of the Booster since 2015-2016. My primary duties have been as Treasurer. Recently I have also become the president during Covid because it got down to just Katie and I. Members of Harwood Boosters enjoy the benefits of being involved in their children's education, meet other parents, teachers, administrator’s and a familiarity with the great student body at Harwood. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time at Harwood. The friendships I have made will stay with me long after my time at Harwood has ended. If you are interested in joining this team Katie and I are willing to answer any questions. Missy Semprebon 802-373-4546 Katie Pike 802-249-2517

We look forward to welcoming you all back for the 2023-2024 school year!

In August, before the start of school, we will be mailing home student schedules with a copy of the bell schedule. These schedules may not include what lunch block your student has on each day. This will be finalized prior to the start of school and be listed on the schedules we will hand out on the first day of school.

If you would like to request a schedule change and/or meeting request please complete this google form. Students will have the first 10 days of the semester to make changes to their schedule. More information on adding and dropping courses can be found in the Program of Studies. Please note that schedules will not be changed to accommodate a teacher request or for a course to be moved to a different semester.

Become a volunteer host family and impact the life of a high school exchange student and your own life as well. Host families provide meals, a bed (can be a shared room), and love. Three ways you can choose to host: academic year (Aug-June), fall semester (Aug-Jan), or spring semester (Jan-June). Interested in learning more? Contact Susan Kuegel, CIEE Local Coordinator at


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