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Family Newsletter- 1.19.24

Writer: WebmasterWebmaster

Updated: Jan 22, 2024

Harwood Families -

Yesterday during our assembly, Maroni Minter, a 2007 Harwood graduate, shared his story with the community and called our students to “actively [engage] in the pursuit of justice.  As students” he said, “you can engage in conversations that challenge stereotypes, promote understanding, and foster inclusivity.  Whether it’s through clubs, discussions or simply standing up for what’s right.”  He continued by reminding students that they “ have the power to foster unity by embracing diversity, celebrating our differences and standing together against injustice in all forms.”  

Minter’s powerful words reflected why the new mural in Harwood’s entrance lobby has been dedicated in his name.  Harmony Devoe (27’) and Janelle Hoskins (24’) spoke as Harwood’s Equity Interns when they said:

“Maroni is an integral part of the Waterbury and HUUSD community. He served as Students Alliance for Racial Justice club (SARJ) first facilitator and was the founder of the Waterbury Area Anti-Racism Coalition) and worked to create a community where every person can fully experience freedom, belonging, and love on a daily basis.” 

This work has included being the US Activism Manager at Ben & Jerry’s, the Campaign Director with the American Civil Liberties Union in Vermont (ACLU-VT), and Let’s Grow Kids

Janelle and Harmony continued by saying “we want to acknowledge and celebrate the amount of effort Maroni has put towards creating equity in our community and beyond. Maroni will be our first person and graduate of color recognized on a plaque here at Harwood. Our intention is for Maroni to be the first of many people of color to receive recognition. We are proud that you are a graduate of Harwood. Your path has been one of purpose and change and sets an example for all of us to follow.”

Each time one enters Harwood the mural stands as a reminder of this example and purpose and reflects that we are a community where ALL are Welcome!

Thank you to Allyson Biondo for her beautiful work that has helped transform the lobby entrance! 

In ongoing partnership,

Meg, Laurie, and Bethany



  • Every Wednesday from 01/17 - 03/20 (except 2/24) - 11:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. - Middle School Winter Program at Sugarbush

  • 01/25 - 5:15 - 7:00 Course Fair *see details here 

  • 01/29 - 02/02 - Winter Carnival  

  • 02/01 - 10:15 a.m. - 12:15p.m. - Middle School Celebration of Learning (HU Auditorium)

  • 02/06 - Whole School Dialogue about the Bond 

  • 02/15 - NAEP Testing for 8th grade 

  • 02/15 - 1:25 -2:05 p.m. - Assembly 

  • 02/22 - 7 - 9:00 p.m. - Choral Night   

  • 02/26 - 03/05 - Winter Break - NO SCHOOL


Cultivating and maintaining a sense of belonging, pride and purpose:




We are in full swing of the winter winter season. If you want to come support the teams, the schedule can be found here.

Next Week in Advisory grades 9-11 will begin the process of registering for classes for the 2024-2025 academic year. This process is designed to provide ample opportunity for students to work with their TA teacher, school counselor and family to consider the classes that will help them to personalize their schedule for next year. The activities during TA time will also prepare students to attend the course fair with their families on January 25th (information provided below). It is our goal that all students will be able to take advantage of the many options that Harwood has to offer.

VSAC Forms Night: January 23, 2024 at 6pm

Join us for a free Financial Aid Forms workshop. At this informal workshop, VSAC will assist you as you file your FAFSA and Vermont State Grant application. 

To register for the VSAC Forms Night, complete this google form

Students must accompany parents/caregivers to complete the FAFSA

To fill out the FAFSA at the workshop, you will need to do the following:

Bring your 2022 tax filing forms.  View this list of information that you will need to bring with you to complete your applications.

Strengthening and sustaining a rigorous and robust academic program:



Registration Season has begun!  Over the next 6 weeks, students in incoming grades 9-11 will be reflecting on their Harwood journey by considering the courses taken to date and identifying courses needed and wanted before graduation. 

You are invited to learn more about the Harwood experience at the 

2024 Course Fair

January 25, 2024

5:15 - 7:00 

We will provide information and guidance for families and students regarding the rigorous and robust course offerings and pathways Harwood High School provides.  We look forward to seeing you next Thursday.

Drivers Education

Harwood Union High School provides Driver’s Education opportunities to our students eligible with a valid permit through private driving schools.  Below are the anticipated dates for the 24-25’ school year courses:

Summer Course: (Dudley’s Driving Academy)

June 17th - August 9th

Fall Course: (Dudley’s Driving Academy)

October 28th - December 20th 

Winter Course: (Mad River Valley Driving)

January 15th - February 20th 

Spring Course: (Mad River Valley Driving)

April 10th - May 20th 

Students will be able to register through our counseling department with a valid permit.  Registration priority will be given according to age with 12th, 11th, then 10th and finally 9th grade.  Please find all full details and a link to register here

NAEP testing for all HUMS 8th graders

NAEP, the National Assessment of Educational Progress is the largest nationally representative and continuing assessment of what students know and can do in various subjects. NAEP is administered by the National Center for Education Statistics, within the U.S. Department of Education. NAEP is different from our state assessments because it is a common measure of achievement across the country. The results are released as The Nation’s Report Card, which provides information about student achievement to educators, parents/guardians, policymakers, and the public. It has been administered to Harwood students in some years past, but is not given every year. 

This year, Harwood Union Middle School 8th graders will take either the NAEP on Thursday, February 15th. Please see this letter for more information.

Community Announcements:



Harwood’s Rotary Interact Club is holding their 8th annual bottle drive. The proceeds will benefit the Waterbury Good Neighbor Fund and the Mad River Valley Community Fund. We hope you will consider donating your returnables for these important organizations in our local community.

For the drive, please drop off your bottles and cans at one of these locations, or request a pickup for your donation. Direct any questions to Interact club adviser Ellen Berrings at

Option 1:

Where: Rodney’s Transfer Station (on the road to the Waterbury Ice Rink) 

When: Anytime between now and 2/24/24

Please designate that they are a donation for Harwood Rotary Interact

Option 2:  

Come to Hannon Home Center 

When: Saturday, February 24th between 10:00 AM and 1:00 PM

*****Drop off at this location is on this date only!

Option 3: 

Request a pickup with Ron Gulyas by emailing 

When: Any time before 2/24/24


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