Harwood Union
Middle & High
Our Mission
"It is the mission of Harwood Union High School to provide an educational and creative environment in which every person is valued as an individual, challenged as a learner, inspired to contribute to a democratic society,
and provided a unique and personalized learning experience.”
Guidance / School Counseling
Counseling services are available to all students at Harwood Union Middle andHigh School. School counselors are vital members of the education team. They help all students in the areas of academic achievement, personal/social development and career and college development, ensuring today's students become the productive, well-adjusted adults of tomorrow. Learn more about the school counselor's role.
Professional school counselors at Harwood Union are trained in both educating and counseling, allowing them to function as a facilitator between parents, teachers and the student in matters concerning the student’s goals, abilities and any areas needing improvement or enrichment.
Each student is assigned a school counselor to support academic, personal/social and career development. We help students plan optimal course selections, explore career and education opportunities after high school, and provide personal and social support.
As school counselors we encourage frequent conversations between home and school. We feel strongly that parents play an integral role in the development of youth and encourage parental involvement throughout high school. We look forward to hearing from family members who have thoughts or concerns about their students’ academic performance, attendance, social functioning in school and preparing for life after high school
Helpful Links
VSAC Managing College Cost Presentation October 2024
College Admission Panel Presentation Spring 2023
Department Contacts
School Counselor
School Counselor
School Counselor - Middle School
School Counselor